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  • Carol Moh

What's the Difference Between Motion Graphics and Animation?

When you think about motion graphics and animation, you may consider them the same thing. After all, both help us create videos to attract attention and educate audiences. This article will explain the differences between these two production styles, when they should each be used, and how they can complement one another. 

Key Differences Between Motion Graphics and Animation

Motion graphic design and animated videos certainly have a lot of crossover. We will discuss their common uses and strengths when combined, but first, we must define how each art form is distinct. 

We will highlight the differences in their production techniques and processes, how and when they are used, and then give some common examples to show situations where one is more prevalent than the other. Finally, we’ll tell you about the best video editing software to achieve the professional results you’re looking for.

Techniques and Processes

Motion graphic designers will often use pre-made assets, typography, and shapes. Of course, they can create these graphic elements from scratch, but this is separate from the motion animation, which comes later in the video production workflow.

Motion designers focus on animation paths and transitions to bring these graphic design elements to life. Motion graphics software typically uses vector-based manipulation to achieve its visual effects. 

Animation has a wider range of applications and achieves them by focusing on frame-by-frame animation. Character animation and modeling also play a big part in the process of this form of animation.

Animation uses a range of techniques to build complex environments with tremendous detail. These techniques involve stop-motion, 2D and 3D animation. This level of nuance would be practically impossible to achieve through motion graphics.

Purpose and Usage

You will often hire a motion graphics designer if you want to communicate some information clearly. This style is great for explainer videos on YouTube, infographics, and presentations. They can add a nice visual element to help maintain the audience’s attention as you give them a lot of information.

Motion graphics animation can be used to help explain information more clearly, but they can also be used to add more character to a brand. Traditionally static images such as logos and website icons come to life with motion graphics. This helps to build a rapport between your brand and potential customers, leaving a long-lasting impression.

These subtle animations are called micro-interactions and can profoundly impact the user experience. They are a simple but effective way to differentiate your brand while improving the overall website flow for the end user.

Animation is much more focused on storytelling. This means that the projects are often larger, and while they can be informative, a more significant emphasis is generally placed on entertainment. Of course, animation is used for movies and TV shows, but from a marketing perspective, we also see animation as the preferred choice for more character-driven campaigns. 

This focus on narrative and character-driven stories allows you to play more to an audience’s emotions rather than just giving them cold, hard facts. 

Examples and Visual Representation

Motion graphics are used more often to help visualize information for easier consumption. It also helps with branding. The most common examples of motion graphics are company logos, branding videos, and social media advertisements.

Motion graphics videos may also be used in the background for news and television graphics and independently produced explainer videos. 

While graphic videos can be considered animations, we are distinguishing between the two through the techniques used and the production scale. 

Animation examples include feature films, television cartoons, video game cutscenes, and animated music videos. 

While a broad difference between the two is that motion graphics are informational, and animation is more targeted towards entertainment, there is a cross-over between the two.

How Motion Graphics and Animation Complement Each Other

Of course, we are not limited to choosing one type of video production for our multimedia projects. We can select different tools for different needs and combine animation and motion graphics into the same projects. Combining various styles can often lead to something greater than the sum of its parts.

To combine these different styles, you should use an online editor that allows teams to collaborate. This means that your motion graphic designers and animators can work seamlessly on the same project to create a truly spectacular piece of content.

Enhanced Communication

Online video editing is at the stage where we can easily combine different techniques to make a complete video presentation. We can utilize the emotion and storytelling that come from animation and mix it with the clarity of information that comes with motion video graphics.

This allows us to combine the emotional response you want to create within a brand and the hard facts you want potential consumers to understand about your product or service. 

This multilayered storytelling style has applications for consumer adverts, B2B product tours, corporate training, and education at all levels. 

Increased Engagement

Combining multiple production styles opens your videos to a broader audience. It allows you to target people who are more attracted to emotional stories while retaining customers' interest who prefer facts and figures. 

By not limiting yourself to one style of video production, you are more likely to be able to stay up-to-date with modern trends. As new apps like TikTok change how video content is consumed, you must remain open to changing how you communicate with a new generation of consumers. 

To further increase engagement, add a professional and natural-sounding AI voice-over to complement your beautiful visuals.

Enhance Your Visual Storytelling Today

When you are ready for an online video editor that allows you to combine multiple production styles, start your free trial with LOVO today. We offer a wide range of AI video and audio production tools to keep you at the cutting edge of content creation. 

Motion Graphics and Animation FAQs

What are the main differences between motion graphics and animation?

Motion graphics primarily use pre-made assets, typography, and shapes with vector-based manipulation for visual effects, focusing on animation paths and transitions.

Animation, on the other hand, involves frame-by-frame techniques, character modeling, and can utilize stop-motion, 2D, and 3D methods to create complex environments and detailed storytelling.

When should you use motion graphics over animation?

What are the typical applications of animation?

How can motion graphics and animation complement each other in a project?

What are the benefits of using online video editors to combine motion graphics and animation?

Online video editors facilitate collaboration between motion graphic designers and animators, enhancing communication and allowing seamless integration of different techniques. This approach helps create visually appealing content that can engage a broader audience by catering to both emotional and factual preferences.


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